Hello everybody, my name is Shen Ruiyan and nine years old. I like painting, Because painting can make me more space to think and make me happy. This week, I am honored to be a flag raiser. My father and mother said I am a little doctor. I study knowledge both in school and nature. This is me, a girl from class 3 grade 3.


  Dear teachers and dear classmates.I am liu yantong from class 3,grade 3.I am honored to be the flag raiser.In my mind,the flag raiser is a sacred and glorious position.This is the trust of my teachers and classmates to me. I will be a good leader,and I will try my best to study hard an repay them.Thank you


      Respected teachers, dear classmates:Good morning! My name is ZYKa young pioneer from class 3 ,Grade3. Thank the teachers and classmates for your trust in me. As a studentour duty is to learn advanced knowledge of science and culture,so as to make contributions to the construction of our country in the future. Looking at the national flag fluttering over the campusI understand the sayingyou can make your dream come true as long as you work hard.Thank you
